Property Disclosure Reports

Frequently Asked Question

What is a Potential Soil Contamination from Smeltering Operations?
Former metal ore smeltering operations has left behind arsenic, lead and other heavy metals in the soil, that poses health risks if you accidentally ingest or inhale contaminated soil. Air pollution from the Tacoma smelter has contaminated soil in portions of King, Pierce and Thurston Counties. Air pollution from the Everett Smelter smokestacks dispersed contaminated particles on soil over a 1.1 square mile area in Northeast Everett, WA. Pollution from the Teck Trail smelter and the former LeRoi smelter extends over 150 miles affecting portions of Ferry, Lincoln and Stevens counties.
Why is this information important?
Failure to obtain information on potential soil contamination on the property, prior to its purchase, means that the buyer is willing to accept the property "as is". For the unwary buyer, arsenic, lead and other heavy metals in soils pose a long-term health risk and simple actions can help you avoid exposure to soils.