Property Disclosure Reports

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Seller's Disclosure Statement (Form 17)?
Nearly all real estate sales in Washington State require a seller disclosure statement, also known as Form 17, to be given to the buyer. After the buyer receives the Seller's Disclosure Statement and carefully reviews the information, the buyer has the right to cancel the Purchase and Sale Agreement within 3 business days and walk away with their earnest money. If the buyer doesn't take action within 3 business days then they have approved and accepted the Seller Disclosure statement.
Is the Seller's Disclosure Statement (Form 17) a Warranty?
Form 17 does not create warranty obligations on the part of the seller. Sellers that make an error, inaccuracy or omission on Form 17 are not liable to the prospective buyer unless the seller had actual knowledge of the error, inaccuracy or omission.
Why is this important?
Smart home buyers get a Property Disclosure Report before or immediately after receiving the Seller's Disclosure statement (Form 17). They are also aware to give consideration to the Seller's Disclosures on Form 17 and more weight on what verify through their own due diligence, before it's too late.